Writer's Benefit

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Writer Advancement Program

We're excited to launch our Writer Advancement Program, where writers can level up and earn bonuses based on their previous revenue on our platform. This program is designed to reward our talented writers and motivate them to produce even more high-quality content.


How does it work?

Your initial credit is calculated based on your individual income earned from January 2020 to the present. This credit determines your starting grade, which can be improved by reaching certain credit milestones.

The Writer Advancement Benefits are based on the royalty income of your work each month, and are calculated independently without interfering with each other.


What are the levels and benefits?

As you reach higher levels, you'll enjoy the following royalty rate increases:

1 Credit = 100 Coins, the current month's credits = total credits of previous exclusive works + total credits of previous non-exclusive works* 50%. The writer's performance, contract type, and contract status are all considered when calculating their credits.

The credit calculation period is from the first day to the last day of the month, and the current month's credits are updated on the first day of the following month. The writer's grade is calculated on the last day of each month and will be adjusted and displayed on the first day of the following month.


How do I receive the bonuses?

For already signed works, the ongoing work with the highest income will receive the advancement welfare corresponding to the current grade, and the specific figures will be reflected in the total income for that month.

For example:

a writer advances from Merkurius to Venus on February 1, 2023, and she has three ongoing works, A, B, and C, already signed. The work A income in February is $5,000, ranking top among the three in February. Then work A can get an extra bonus in February: $5,000*0.5%=$25. The bonus details will appear in the February billing statement first but will be subject to a certain review period before being withdrawn.

For newly signed works, from the month of signing, the work will receive the advance welfare corresponding to the current grade, and the specific figures will be reflected in the total income for that month.

For example:

a writer advances from Merkurius to Venus on February 1, 2023, and signs a new book (work D) with Stary on February 10th. Her work D's income in February is $1,000, then work D's extra bonus in February is $1000*0.5%=$5. Namely, work D can get an extra $5 advance bonus in February.


What are the requirements?

To maintain your grade and benefits, you must regularly update your works under your name. If all your works haven't been updated for more than three months, your advancement grade will be called off. Violating your contract or platform rules may also result in a lower grade.

For example:

If a writer advances from Venus to Earth on June 1, 2023, and work A has the highest earning among all her ongoing works. She signs a new work G with Stary on June 5, then work A and G will receive a 1% monthly grade bonus starting in June.

If a writer descends from Earth to Venus in October 2023, her grade bonus for books G and A will be reduced from 1% to 0.5%, but work D will remain unaffected for the time being. If she subsequently descends from Venus to Merkurius , the grade bonus for books A, D and G will be reduced from 0.5% to 0%.

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